General principles
The operations and activities of Orion Corporation and its subsidiaries (the Orion Group) are based on compliance with laws and regulations issued thereunder, as well as with ethically acceptable operating practices. The tasks and duties of the different governance bodies of the Group are determined in accordance with legislation and the corporate governance principles of the Group.
In its governance, Orion Corporation follows the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 for companies listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Orion Corporation departs from the Code’s recommendation No. 15 concerning the election of members to the Nomination Committee, which can also include persons other than members of the Board. The Company considers the departure justified in view of the Company’s ownership structure and the potential for flexibility when preparing for the election of the Board members. In addition, the Company regards that the departure promotes the proper implementation of the Company’s governance system in such a way that, i.a., the manner applied to the preparation of the composition of the Board of Directors promotes the interaction between the Board and the largest shareholders and enables the opinions of the shareholders to be observed already when the proposed composition is being prepared. The Board of Directors of Orion Corporation has decided on the departure from the Code when confirming the charter of the Nomination Committee. The essentials of the charter of the Committee and the manner applied to the preparation of the proposal for the Board composition are described here.
The Finnish Corporate Governance Code is available on the Securities Market Association’s website
Management system
The management system of the Orion Group consists of the Group-level functions and Business divisions. In addition, the system includes the organisation of the administration of the legal entities. For the steering and supervision of operations, the Group has a control system for all levels.
The management of the whole Group takes place at the Group level. The following are examples of management of the whole Group at the Group level:
- determination and follow-up of the Group strategy
- the basic organisation and the steering and supervision of the operations of
- the Business divisions
- the largest investment decisions
- issues concerning the entire parent company and the Group.
The business operations of the Group take place in Business divisions. The different Group-level functions provide services to the Business divisions, each function being responsible for organising its own responsibility area Group-wide.