Should I have studied chemistry and biology?
This thought occurred to 18-year-old Pyry Simi when he spent a day working with Outi Vaarala, SVP, Innovative Medicines & R&D, at Orion’s head office in Espoo, Finland.
This opportunity was provided through the Job Shadow Day, which is arranged by the JA Finland organisation. It allows young people from all over Finland to shadow the work of managers and influential people in different fields for a day.
“The pharmaceutical industry seemed like an interesting field. The employees had their own slang, with a lot of vocabulary related to biology and chemistry. I didn't understand everything as I haven’t studied these subjects.”
“Nevertheless, a career in the pharmaceutical industry could be a possibility,” Simi says.
“After upper secondary school, I want to study law or business science. These subjects could also lead to a job in the pharmaceutical industry. I think it would be great to work in a field that does socially significant work and helps advance the development of medicine,” says Simi.
“It was interesting to learn about the drug development process”
The working day started with Simi and Vaarala getting to know each other at Orion’s head office in Espoo, Finland. Simi spoke about his upper secondary school studies and plans for the future, and Vaarala spoke about her job.
Simi and Vaarala started by taking a look at the unit’s internal website. The content and images on the website needed updating, and Vaarala wanted to hear Simi’s opinion.
The drug development process seemed like a multi-stage, detailed job. It was interesting to find out more about it.
Vaarala had planned her meetings that day so that Simi could shadow her actual tasks and see how things are done in the work community. Simi had signed a non-disclosure agreement, so he was able to sit in on three different meetings.
The meetings covered well-being at work, AI and machine learning, and budgeting for Orion’s new R&D office in New York. Orion’s operations will expand into a new market in 2025.
“I was made to feel very welcome in the meetings. The participants explained the matters to me before discussing them in more detail. I was also able to interrupt with any questions,” says Simi.
At the end of the day, Simi was given a tour of the medicinal chemistry department where new drug molecules are designed.
“The drug development process seemed like a multi-stage, detailed job. It was interesting to find out more about it,” says Simi.
Confidence in the future
More and more young people are worried about heavy workloads. It can also be difficult to choose a career. This is why it is important for young people to gain experience of actual work.
“I was able to see what a person like Outi does at work and how things are done in a company like this. The work seemed really interesting, but also really demanding. Outi has 380 subordinates who can have an impact on important matters through their work,” says Simi.
“It’s always great to be involved in activities that help young people explore the world of work.
The good atmosphere in the workplace also made an impression on Simi.
At the end of the day, a closing ceremony was organised for the young people participating in Job Shadow and the companies’ representatives. During the ceremony, participants shared their experiences of the day and networked with each other.
Vaarala describes her participation in the Job Shadow Day as a rewarding experience.
“It’s always great to be involved in activities that help young people explore the world of work. This way, we can assist them in finding their path.”
According to Vaarala, Simi also noticed the good atmosphere in the work community.
“It’s great that this came across so well to Pyry!”
What is Job Shadow?
- Job Shadow Day, organised by Junior Achievement (JA) Finland, gives lower and upper secondary school students the chance to spend a day shadowing the work of managers and influential people in different fields.
- The young people come from all over Finland. They have all completed the organisation’s Year as an Entrepreneur programme at their school or educational institute.
- The aim of the day is to help young people discover their own strengths and understand the opportunities offered by the world of work.
- Managers who participate in the day get to hear young people’s ideas about the world of work and make new contacts. At the end of the day, a closing ceremony is organised for the participants where they can share experiences and network.
- As a responsible employer, it is important for Orion to provide valuable work experience and strengthen young people's confidence in the future. That’s why we are happy to participate in Job Shadow Day and other programmes for young people.